DBO Welcomes You

Ladies & Gentlemen: welcome to my blog.  I am Onye – artist, jewelry designer, craft-maven, and all-around nice person.  Thank you for taking the time to share my journey in the business of beads, art, crafts & creativity.  The following poem is a short synopsis of how I began, & how I continue in my passion.


I started with a few loose beads & sewing thread
Making chains of daisies was the first thing stuck in my head
Got wise to the stars in my eyes
Not sure where it would lead but I knew
A plan I must devise
Took the time to write things down
Colors, patterns, tools & schemes
Started to learn what the different terms mean
Got a hold of a Bead&Button
Night after night I would read until it was late
Frantically I would design and create
To be an artist was my inevitable fate
Or really, the plan from the beginning
Like Silverstein, I don’t know where this sidewalk ends
But I promise that every place in which the road bends
I will have a ring of flowers, or sphere of metals
Or dodecahedral stones and icosahedral crystals
I weave my mathematical mantras into beaded beads
That lay a path of memorial stones
So you can find your way to me 🙂

I have been a bead artist/jeweler since 1994 and I have a life-long passion for creativity. I prefer to work with glass beads, but I use all types, sizes and forms of beads to create geometric structures, which are incorporated into neckwear, bracelets, earrings, brooches, cufflinks, & hair accessories. I also create micro-tile geometric line drawings for decals & wearable art.

A majority of my pieces are clear representations of chemistry & geometry. I join my analytical nature with my creative passion in order to create functional, thought-provoking, and hopefully inspirational pieces. This is one of the many gifts God has given to me so I want to use it to the best of my ability. God is continually blessing me with fresh creativity, and opportunities to share my passion and to bless (i.e. empower to prosper) and uplift everyone around me.

Stay tuned to our happenings as we preview shows, works in progress, sales & specials, inspirational projects & craft ideas.  Currently, Designs By Onye is attempting to win a grant via the FedEx Small Business Grant contest.  Please vote for us!  It requires a Facebook account to log in.  If you wish for the application to not post on your behalf, simply remove that option in the Facebook App Center.